About The Refuge Wiesbaden

The Refuge is a family of believers who love Jesus and each other!  It is a place where lives are transformed, relationships are restored, and destiny is discovered!  

Our Hearts’ Desire

Our hearts’ desire is to see every person who comes to The Refuge saved, set free, and set on fire to live for God’s glory and honor!  We desire to see every Christian live this full, abundant life Jesus came to give us!

We desire and pray that every person who attends The Refuge will develop a personal, passionate, and growing love relationship with Jesus!  It is in this relationship that He reveals His desire for our lives and we begin to live lives of purpose, joy, and peace.

Our Goal

Our goal is for the lives, marriages, and families of all who attend The Refuge Wiesbaden to demonstrate Christ to the world that we might win the world to Christ!

Pastor Ron and Anne

About Pastor Ron & Anne

We love Jesus and we love people! Our desire is to disciple others in their relationship with, and calling in, Christ Jesus, so that they are equipped and encouraged to disciple others. Church is more than just coming together among ourselves. It is about being the Church at home, at school, on-the-job, and wherever we find ourselves or the Lord leads us.

We will be married for 39 years (as of January 2022). We have spent two-thirds of that time together in the States, but over one third here in Germany. Anne is from Germany, and came to the States to finish her studies in Bible and Psychology, which is how we met, dated, and married. In fact, we were married in Germany, January 1983, in the church we eventually served as Pastors, years later.

Before moving back to Germany, we ministered in our workplaces. For me, Banking and Finance. For Anne, as Licensed Professional Counselor. We were also active in our local church, serving as Ministry Elders, Instructors and Leaders of Bible Studies, Life Classes, and Home Groups. Since moving back, we have been Pastors, Evangelists, and Missionaries. We have had the privilege of being here when God brought over 1 million refugees to “our doorstep”. We have learned, loved, and shared with people from around the world. And they have shared their friendship and love with us. We have the joy of coming from different cultures, different languages and backgrounds, and yet accepting and embracing one another through the heart of God’s love!

For more information about our Pastor click HERE.

“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.”
Psalm 63:3


“Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.”
Psalm 150:2